
He's got a camera phone and he's not afraid to use it

Now, I know this is supposed to be an "expose" but all work and no "snark" makes Jordan...well, it just makes me sad! Besides I see nothing wrong with the occasionally rant! And nothing, and I mean NOTHING gets my blood boiling than someone who threatens an elderly person. Which brings us to the jackass pictured above.

This is Victor Lopez Jr.! Yes, the eldest son of Orange Cove's embattled Mayor. And what is he doing? He is attempting to intimidate a man by the name of Eldon Thompson..resident of Orange Cove, outspoken critic of Mayor Lopez, and current police commissioner. "Why" you might ask? Because Mr. Thompson was parked ACROSS THE STREET from the useless BMX bike park taking pictures. Junior, who works as a security guard at the park (fox, hen house, fox, hen house)saw him and proceeded to walk over to Thompson's car and glare at him through his window. Two things came to mind! What kind of asshat would hire this guy as a security guard? Soon found out it was his father who gave him the job. Another reason why the man should not be running a city, hell, I wouldn't put him in charge of running my bath. And secondly...what's up with JR.pointing his camera phone at Mr. Thompson? Was he trying to "shoot" him? Well..thank goodness Jr. isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and never realized that a camera can't really do one any harm, although it can forever capture someone making a complete jackass of himself! Apparently the gentleman behind the lens was aware of that! Kudos!

(Image: property of Eldon Thompson. :Feeble Attempt at Intimidation")