
Glenda Hill

Who is she? Well, she's the Mayor Pro-Tem of Orange Cove, California. She is also the subject of many, many baseless attacks and disparaging remarks from certain individuals from Mayor Lopez's camp! We've identified two of them as Mario Villarreal, one time member of the planning commission (what's there to plan) and Victor Lopez Jr., son of Mayor Lopez, and, according to court documents, a serial woman-beater, methadone user (prescription? )and harrasser of elderly gentleman! Back to the task at hand..Mrs. Hill is an intelligent, well-liked, and highly-respected individual! She was described as a leader, successful businesswoman, educated, driven, ethical,elegant, compassionate, her peers! They couldn't compliment her enough. BUT there was also one statement that was made more than any others! It was "She's not Victor Lopez", I'm biased, can't stand the man. Not just because he's a lousy politician but because he's encouraged his offspring to behave in such an atrocious manner. He's advised AND played an integral part in this kind of behavior. Re: Mrs. Hill

Polls and Posts from Lopez and family!
Who Loves Glenda More
glenda hill thinks your stupid
Glenda Hill what a joke
Is Glenda Hill a bigot?
Glenda hill and her meth head son
This is behavior is reprehensible! AND ITS THE MAYOR THAT ENCOURAGES IT! He's also used the names of certain political figures as a basis to attack and demean others on a public message board. We've sent out his statements to the individual camps that he spoke of and expect a response within the next few days! We'll be posting them as soon as they come in so keep checking back. Get to work bloggers...time to take Lopez us to anybody and everybody...let em see how this man truly is =)

"Orange Cove Chronicles"
post by j-side